Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular medication use and cardiovascular disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a population-based cohort study

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the 5-yr prevalence and incidence rates of cardiovascular medication and cardiovascular disease before and after onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children and adolescents. METHODS: Children and adolescents (<19 yr) with1D (n = 925), defined as those who received at least two insulin prescriptions, and a four times larger reference cohort (n = 3591) with the same age and gender in the Dutch PHARMO Record Linkage System (RLS) were studied in a retrospective cohort studybetween 1999 and 2009

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Prescription behavior for gastroprotective drugs in new users as a result of communications regarding clopidogrel-proton pump inhibitor interaction

Safety concerns of the concomitant use of clopidogrel-proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were published in 2009 and 2010 by the medicines regulatory agencies, including a direct healthcare professional communication. We examined the association between various safety statements and prescription behavior for gastroprotective drugs in naive patients in the Netherlands during the years 2008-2011

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Risk of cardiac valvulopathy with use of bisphosphonates: a population-based, multi-country case-control study

Analyses of healthcare data from 30 million individuals in three countries showed that current use of bisphosphonates may be associated with a small increased risk of cardiac valvulopathy (vs. those not exposed within the previous year), although cnfounding cannot be entirely ruled out. The observed tendency for decreased valvulopathy risk with cumulative duration of bisphosphonate use >6 months may even indicate a protective effect with prolonged use

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Oral and inhaled corticosteroid use and risk of recurrent pulmonary embolism

INTRODUCTION: Chronic inflammatory diseases predispose for development of a first pulmonary embolism (PE). Previous studies showed that corticosteroids, which are the mainstay of treatment for inflammatory diseases, enhance the risk of a first venos thromboembolism. Yet, it is unknown whether corticosteroids also predispose for recurrent events

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of heart failure in four European countries: nested case-control study

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the cardiovascular safety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and estimate the risk of hospital admission for heart failure with use of individual NSAIDs. DESIGN: Nested case-control study. SETTING: Five poplation based healthcare databases from four European countries (the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom)

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Statin use and its effect on all-cause mortality of melanoma patients: a population-based Dutch cohort study

Preclinical data showed anticancer effects of statins in melanoma, but meta-analyses could not demonstrate a reduced melanoma incidence in statin users. Rather than preventing occurrence, statins might reduce growth and metastatic spread of melanoms and ultimately improve survival. In this population-based study, we investigated the relationship between statin use and survival of melanoma patients

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