Musculoskeletal diseases

Use of anti-depressants and the risk of fracture of the hip or femur

SUMMARY: Anti-depressants are used largely, but have serious side effects. We show that both selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs) increase the risk of hip/femur fracture and that this risk is time rlated and depends on the degree of serotonin transporter inhibition

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Determinants of non-compliance with bisphosphonates in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis

OBJECTIVE: To identify determinants of non-compliance with bisphosphonates in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. By considering the year of the introduction of weekly bisphosphonates important additional information is obtained. METHODS: New fmale users of daily or weekly alendronate or risedronate between 1999 and 2004, aged >or= 45 years were identified from PHARMO RLS, including drug-dispensing and hospitalisation data of > 2 million residents of the Netherlands

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Loss of treatment benefit due to low compliance with bisphosphonate therapy

SUMMARY: Among 8,822 new female bisphosphonate users, non-compliant bisphosphonate use was associated with a 45% increased risk of osteoporotic fracture compared to compliant use (MPR >or=80%). Classifying compliance into five categories, fractureisk gradually increased with poorer compliance. These results emphasize the importance of treatment compliance in obtaining maximal treatment benefit

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Use of beta-2 agonists and risk of hip/femur fracture: a population-based case-control study

INTRODUCTION: Administration of beta-2 agonists decreased bone mineral density in rats. But the association between bronchodilators and fracture risk has not been studied in humans. OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between use of beta-2 agonits and risk of hip/femur fracture. METHODS: We conducted a population-based case-control study (6763 cases) in the Dutch PHARMO database

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Use of inhaled and oral glucocorticoids, severity of inflammatory disease and risk of hip/femur fracture: a population-based case-control study

Patients using higher dosages of inhaled or oral glucocorticoids (GCs) have an increased risk of hip/femur fractures. The role of the underlying disease in the aetiology of this increased risk has not been widely studied. Objective. To evaluate thecontribution of the underlying disease to the risk of hip/femur fracture in patients using inhaled or oral GCs

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Use of beta-Blockers and the Risk of Hip/Femur Fracture in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands

Data from in vivo studies have indicated a role for beta-blockers in the prevention of bone loss. Some epidemiological studies have found protective effects of beta-blockers on fracture risk. However, there is limited information on the associationwith cumulative dose and type of beta-blockers used. We conducted two case-control studies using data from the UK General Practice Research Database (GPRD) and the Dutch PHARMO Record Linkage System (RLS)

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Developments of the incidence of osteoporosis in The Netherlands: a PHARMO study

PURPOSE: To assess recent and to predict future time trends in the incidence of osteoporosis using routine databases in The Netherlands in the period 1993-2015 and to compare estimations based on hip fractures versus a proxy based on pharmacy and hspitalisation data. METHODS: The incidence of hip fractures was estimated over the period 1986-2002 using information from the Dutch Medical Registry, covering more than 99% of all Dutch hospitalisations

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