Musculoskeletal diseases

All-cause mortality with current and past use of antidepressants or benzodiazepines after major osteoporotic and hip fracture

In the first year, after an osteoporotic fracture of a hip, forearm, upper arm, or spine, the dispensing rates of antidepressants and benzodiazepines increased significantly. After those fractures, recent and past use of antidepressants and benzodizepines was associated with increased all-cause mortality; current use was not associated with mortality risk

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Exploring methods for comparing the real-world effectiveness of treatments for osteoporosis: adjusted direct comparisons versus using patients as their own control

Using Swedish and Dutch registry data for women initiating bisphosphonates, we evaluated two methods of comparing the real-world effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments that attempt to adjust for differences in patient baseline characteristics. Eah method has advantages and disadvantages; both are potential complements to clinical trial analyses

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Risk of cardiac valvulopathy with use of bisphosphonates: a population-based, multi-country case-control study

Analyses of healthcare data from 30 million individuals in three countries showed that current use of bisphosphonates may be associated with a small increased risk of cardiac valvulopathy (vs. those not exposed within the previous year), although cnfounding cannot be entirely ruled out. The observed tendency for decreased valvulopathy risk with cumulative duration of bisphosphonate use >6 months may even indicate a protective effect with prolonged use

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Long-term persistence with anti-osteoporosis drugs after fracture

Long-term persistence with anti-osteoporosis drugs and determinants for discontinuation among fracture patients were examined. Persistence was 75.0 and 45.3 % after 1 and 5 years, respectively. Those aged >/=80 years were at increased risk of earlydiscontinuation. Within 1 year after discontinuation, 24

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COX-2-selective NSAIDs and risk of hip or knee replacements: a population-based case-control study

Disease models of osteoarthritis (OA) have shown that COX-2-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, coxibs) may have beneficial effects on cartilage. Clinical or epidemiological evidence for this potential association is scarce. Theobjective of this study was to evaluate the risk of hip or knee replacement in users of coxibs compared to nonselective NSAIDs

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Use of thiazolidinediones and risk of osteoporotic fracture: disease or drugs?

PURPOSE: Clinical and observational studies suggest that use of thiazolidinediones (TZDs) is associated with an increased fracture risk. In addition, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a risk factor for osteoporotic fracture. Our aim was to estimatfracture risks in TZD users and users of other antidiabetic drugs, classified according to proxies of disease severity

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