Disease surveillance

Time Trends in Patient Characteristics of New Rivaroxaban Users with Atrial Fibrillation in Germany and the Netherlands

Patient characteristics of new rivaroxaban users with non-valvular atrial fibrillation changed between 2011 and 2016/17, but changes differed between countries. These patterns have methodological implications. They have to be considered in the interpretation of observational studies comparing effectiveness and safety of oral anticoagulants, especially regarding potential bias due to unmeasured confounding.

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Completeness and Representativeness of the PHARMO General Practitioner (GP) Data: A Comparison with National Statistics

The PHARMO GP data are representative of the Dutch population with regard to the demographic characteristics and diagnoses in primary care. Medication data in the PHARMO GP data are more complete than national statistics, and differences are related to reimbursement. Use of the data and interpretation of results based on these sources should be done with experts on the data sources, the Dutch healthcare system and (pharmaco)epidemiology.

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The DIAbetes MANagement and Treatment (DIAMANT) Cohort

The increasing number of people with diabetes and the unclear long-term safety and effectiveness of newer and older blood-glucose-lowering treatments emphasize the need for more pharmaco-epidemiological studies in this field. A prospective, regularly updated cohort of people with diabetes would provide quick and up-to-date information regarding prevalence, treatment, safety and effectiveness. The current aim was to describe the design of the DIAbetes MANagement and Treatment (DIAMANT) cohort. The DIAMANT cohort provides the opportunity to gain RWD insights into the treatment and outcomes among people with diabetes in daily general practice. The data can be enriched by established linkages to other data sources (eg, hospital data, the Perinatal Registry, the Cancer Registry). The DIAMANT cohort serves as a start of a national infrastructure to study, manage and provide personalised care in order to ultimately improve care and outcomes for people with diabetes.

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The epidemiology of nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease in the Netherlands

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are emerging opportunistic pathogens of humans. Because NTM pulmonary disease (PD) is not a notifiable disease in Europe, the epidemiology of NTM-PD is not well known. However, the prevalence of NTM-PD is thought to be increasing, particularly in countries where tuberculosis rates have decreased. Here we aim to determine the prevalence of NTM-PD in the Netherlands.

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