
Inconsistency in ferritin reference intervals across laboratories: a major concern for clinical decision making

OBJECTIVES: Iron deficiency anemia is a significant global health concern, diagnosed by measuring hemoglobin concentrations in combination with plasma ferritin concentration. This study investigated the variability in ferritin reference intervals among laboratories in the Netherlands and examined how this affects the identification of iron-related disorders. METHODS: Ferritin reference intervals from 52 Dutch ISO15189-certified medical laboratories were collected. Ferritin, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume data of non-anemic apparently healthy primary care patients, measured by four laboratory platforms (Beckman, Abbott, Siemens, and Roche), were collected (n=397,548). Median ferritin levels were determined per platform, stratified by sex and age. The proportion of ferritin measurements outside of the reference interval was calculated using the reference intervals from the 52 laboratories (using a total of n=1,093,442 ferritin measurements). Lastly, ferritin data from 3,699 patients as captured in general practitioner (GP) data from the PHARMO Data Network were used to assess the variation of abnormal ferritin measurements per GP. RESULTS: Median plasma ferritin concentrations were approximately four times higher in men and twice as high in postmenopausal women compared to premenopausal women. Moreover, there are substantial differences in the median plasma ferritin concentration between the four platforms. However, even among laboratories using the same platform, ferritin reference intervals differ widely. This leads to significant differences in the percentages of measurements classified as abnormal, with the percentage of ferritin measurements below the reference limit in premenopausal women ranging from 11 to 53 %, in postmenopausal women from 3 to 37 %, and in men from 2 to 19 %. The percentage of ferritin measurements above the reference limit in premenopausal women ranged from 0.2 to 11 %, in postmenopausal women from 3 to 36 % and in men from 7 to 32 %. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of harmonization in ferritin measurement and the disagreement in plasma ferritin reference intervals significantly impact the interpretation of the iron status of patients and thereby the number of iron disorder diagnoses made. Standardization or harmonization of the ferritin assays and establishing uniform reference intervals and medical decision limits are essential to reduce the substantial variability in clinical interpretations of ferritin results.

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