The PHARMO Institute and Lumanity are Partnering to Invest in new Solutions to Support Enhanced Real World Data Analytics
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Lumanity, an organization dedicated to accelerating and optimizing access to medical advances.
Lumanity applies incisive thinking and decisive action to cut through complex situations and deliver transformative outcomes to accelerate and optimize access to medical advances. By transforming data and information into real world insights and evidence, Lumanity powers successful commercialization and empowers patients, providers, payers, and regulators to take timely and decisive action.
The PHARMO Institute’s services are highly synergistic with Lumanity’s real world evidence (RWE) capabilities, and both companies share a mission to optimize patient access to therapies with a focus on demonstrating real world safety and effectiveness. By working together, the PHARMO Institute and Lumanity are now able to offer a global RWE capability with experts based in both the US and the EU.
“Dutch healthcare data are one of the most detailed RWE sources in the world, representative of Western Europe, and with rich and abundant primary care data,” says Prof. Dr. Ron Herings, founder and director of The PHARMO Institute. “I’m very happy that we have found a deeply science-oriented and mission aligned international partner that will enable us, and by extension the Netherlands, to play a much greater role in addressing the global research questions facing researchers.”
“This partnership signifies our enthusiasm and dedication to expanding in the RWE space and providing our clients with deeper capabilities and direct access to patient level data,” adds Gema Parlange, Global Practice Lead for RWE at Lumanity. “We have a great team of expert ‘Data Luminaries’ across Lumanity, who can ask the right questions, know when and with whom to partner, consider the whole product lifecycle, and understand and embrace regulatory requirements. We look forward to expanding and further amplifying our expertise by working with the knowledgeable RWE experts from PHARMO.”
Moving forward, the PHARMO Institute and Lumanity will continue to generate evidence of the safety, effectiveness, and value of medicines for the betterment of patient care in the EU, and around the world. We plan to continue to collaborate and expand in the RWE space, addressing global use cases in pharmacoepidemiology, health economics, and outcomes research.
Contact us to learn more about our RWE capabilities and our collaborating with Lumanity.