
The DIAbetes MANagement and Treatment (DIAMANT) Cohort

The DIAbetes MANagement and Treatment (DIAMANT) Cohort is one of the latest developments we have worked on. This is a prospective, regularly updated cohort of people with diabetes which provides quick and up-to-date information regarding prevalence, treatment, safety and effectiveness. It contains real-world data (RWD) from general practitioners (GP), including diagnoses, symptoms, examinations, communication to/from specialists and medication. The cohort is part of the national infrastructure of “Stichting Informatievoorziening voor Zorg en Onderzoek” (STIZON) and is linked to other data sources.

Currently, the cohort enables access to information of 89,883 patients in 2004 to 344,914 in 2020 (6% T1D, 84% T2D and 10% unclassified type of diabetes), with 193,931 participants still registered as being present in the GP practice (active) in 2020. The frequency of follow-up of persons with diabetes is practice dependent. The Dutch guidelines advise 2-4 contacts per year with a more extensive yearly check-up. The DIAMANT cohort is updated several times a year and can be enriched by established linkages to other data sources (eg, hospital data, the Perinatal Registry, the Cancer Registry). The anonymised data from the DIAMANT cohort can be made available to researchers.

The DIAMANT cohort provides the opportunity to gain RWD insights into the treatment and outcomes among people with diabetes and serves as a start of a national infrastructure to study, manage and provide personalised care in order to ultimately improve care and outcomes for people with diabetes.

If you want to learn more about the design of the DIAMANT cohort or how to access it then please read our publication in this link.

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